Welkin Siskin’s Poetry Series -13

Welkin Siskin lives in Seattle, Washington. He is the poet of varied nature, who writes on various themes. Poetry for him is the healing ointment of a heart destitute of vision. 

He believes that poetry is the play of words, the change of verbs into nouns; the game of words surging through the heart's inside. 
His poetry is the yearning for freedom, love, life, and the expression of the Nature that adorns the Universe- the mysterious eternity of the Infinite.

Welkin Siskin
Washington, America 

1. In The Fading Twilight

From where have you come,
In this fading twilight, dwindling light and transient dusk,
With fragments of joy, ether, and love crumb?
And where are you going to be lost
Leaving behind the slew of talks
Leaving behind the whims of everyday?

For in love one prevails, for in love one succeed
For in love, and not parting, shall one rise,
Let love be precious, of gold and gem.

Life put in a trance you, and it carries with you a sense,
It then, like the mystic form, never gets the gist
Out of which one can never find the truth until you looked through brighter lens.
And can then only the time unclenches its fist.

2. Let Me Dwell Evermore

Let me dwell evermore.
From these suffocations of life’s breaths,
I might in the days to come soar
And feel everything but no deaths.

Let me dwell till this life aspire to
And let me go through all the finishing touch of life.
And whatever I aspire more to, let me do
All the good in this life that’s against strife.

For life is like a bottle of a wine sipped,
For it is like an unknown dusk at the evening,
Let it make me feel vast and pensive and deep
Let me not feel it meandering but a sea deepening.

3. A Bittersweet Epoch

Life is a lament for some,
For others, it is a fuss,
And the rest, it is a bittersweet epoch.
This temporary-stay
Prevailing all over things
that are at variance,
Out of keeping, contrary to this life,
has taught me many illuminating ideals.

I have searched light through my being
And have discovered it,
I have crossed through the hillock
Of time, once felt hard to climb
Prevailing over all things.

4. What Is Beauty?

The beauty of heart is to be ego-free,
And the beauty of all faculties of knowing is inquiry.
The beauty of soul is to find other souls true to one’s,
And the beauty of life is to create fun.

Beauty is such a charm that it expresses your heart,
It expresses your lively environs, until you depart,
And it is the elegance of eyes to find such things,
For beauty is the subconscious of our beings.

5. Crossing Through the Shadow.

Dangling shadows of the wall
Deeper than the darkness
Caught up in a trap of a man
With vigor and energy,
Get lost in mournful silence.

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