Welkin Siskin’s Poetry Series -16

Welkin Siskin lives in Seattle, Washington. He is the poet of varied nature, who writes on various themes. Poetry for him is the healing ointment of a heart destitute of vision. 

He believes that poetry is the play of words, the change of verbs into nouns; the game of words surging through the heart's inside. 
His poetry is the yearning for freedom, love, life, and the expression of the Nature that adorns the Universe- the mysterious eternity of the Infinite.

Welkin Siskin
Washington, America

A voice seemed to have touched me,

Like the boughs touched by aurora dew,
And though it faintly touched me
It incarcerated many forms in me.
It is sweet yet faint and staggering
Executed by the fair weathering
Of a season’s clock; it dies out not
For I have searched such voice as a lot.
Let the voice I encounter witness everything
Cast aside all, let it be a heart’s connection thing.

What is more important is always decked

In a body of untold memories, a frame of thought.
For all that’s true, let it be all for my sake
Last as the thing upon the starry skies sought.

Pledge thy soul to connect with mine,

And thy heart to connect with mine
And let that make a symphonic tune
And radiant like the brightness of a moon.
Let thy heart a solemn vow make
And let this love forever more deck
In elegance, aestheticism and beauty
To dwell evermore with what’s call sublimity.
Make thy love an art to carry through with you,
And make thy heart an art to evermore love
And make it not a thing that all will spew
And give forevermore Romeo as a dub.
Bestow then the soul that the world can connect with,
And that love, sublime and paramount, that befits.

Our articulate subconscious is poetry,

And our immaculate earful of sound vibrations
Can in the make of things stand as poetry or can be,
And of a society’s opportune language one learns
Is a potent retreat of a poem—make it a reflector.
Make poetry syllables as a teacher.

Give substance and words to this love

stirred up by the deepest feelings of the heart;
Shun fit of bad humor, bad wits and huff
And create love that’s adorned with Truth that doesn’t depart.
Give point, moment of truth, and decisive toss
Bestow all that’s propitious and favorable
And make love not the life’s transgressed lose,
Let it ever be stable, tamed, hopeful and admirable.
And give thy heart an elixir of what’s God-sent
And ever a life so very beautiful make
Led with delight and joys, beauty and goals
Lest love is dead when it doesn’t connect to the soul.
And given the very truth of life, love as a win-win game,
Stigmatized be made no love, let it play no shame.

Poetry brims over through this heart like hailstorm,

And it strokes all over creation as storm.
One would not have his pen befriended
To cross through all ache and gate.
One would have denied this wish to be a poet
Had he but been out of words
That the heart sing the chords.

I drown in the feelings

In the highest possible inklings
To find whispers of things, untold and vast
And till this alchemy of brains unfurl and last.
For to drown in the feelings is to get
The point of things the worlds beget
And to be begotten with the world is beautiful,
And yet sorrow engulfs, happiness comes as soul
From unknown source to lead you toward the Eden
To make you take the beauteous of lanes,
To be graciously led, to the nobler lanes,
To be happily led, understanding all the lanes.

One who poetizes his heart eventually is a poet,

And then, one whose heart sings of poetry is a poet at long last.

Poetry should lay bare

A vivid whisper and a longing to sustain
The world laid waste in the barrenness of time.
Immune to all unhappiness, poetry should
Create a happier mood, a smirk in the lips
And a smile in the face, as though you are duct of a vessel to carry through the light at end of tunnel.

Untold are these lives,

And unmet their wants,
Untold these desires that do not find ends.
in this bizarre situation a man is caught up
In the tangle and clump of life.
In temporal, lay world
Where all dashes are left vacant to fill,
And all that desperate need of a man is shuddered,
And all the trifling realities consume his huge brain,
He is pensive in thoughts, uncannily beautiful and alchemical.

A whisper I longed out of the blues, coming

that which does not bring sorrowing
And I shall make that whisper my dream
To ever be swamped with love, and not scream.
For oft did I ask for a whisper,
A humming decanting from the lips,
And carry with me a passionate fervor
Drowning down to the meanings too deep.

Our life is unknowingly tinged

with brights and murks,
And in the life, hours drown in the darkness,
Unbeknownst to me yes
In a trench of imaginations
To bring about all the lessons
Of life; where there is a tone of sadness,
A joy to understand the tone of sadness.

Unbeknownst to me

In a deep dream
Last night
I treaded a million years journey
That revived and added spice
To the nightly hours.

Our dreams romp and leap,

Soar and then eventually sail
Into the main, seas, vast and the deep
And many of them we pass, many we fail
To come to grips with them. We long dream
Though we shudder and blush and scream.
We dream as young together lover
Who in hearts ever create fervor.
Dreams are and yet the undying sorrows of life,
The more of them you fulfill, the more come by your way;
However, do not make your choice a strife
And be prepared to face it ever and always.

Life holds predicaments and precariousnesses,

and a lot and an omen to unfold human stories.
Life screams at the need for mere wishes,
And it then transitions from one stage to another,
And then it strives and struggles and hinges
To the untoward, and yet to Him the Father.
For he is composed of lot made by him
A man craves his lot
To find brightness in dim
And to come up above with his shot.

Education is for keeps

Let education go faraway into the deeps
Of everyday quest
Sow seeds; flower it, and and gather in fruits.

For oft have I gone wide of thee,

For oft have I fallen short of thee in life,
And the every part of body is not free
Going between good and bad, and strife.
What’s left to get is the last word
What’s left to get is the god
In you; your majesty charms.
That’s the only truth—to be free chasms.
Anything may in nature happen,
And I may travel any lane,
And anything may tire me
To be what I want to be.
I know not the augury of morrow,
And the interpretation of it thus,
For the stage is adorned with sorrow
And I know not how strange will be the fuss.
But I know one thing for sure
That strivings is a cure
To give life to every foible
To revive the strayed, stranded soul.

We shall befall again kissing the eternity

Bestowed upon us by Time.
We shall come across
kissing the vanguard of truth.
We shall go with variants
Manifested by tides,
And we shall leave behind trails
To be revisited.

What do you call fate

And where’s the medium to cross its gate
And how to come across as lamp lit
And how to come across such orbit
Of life that takes hundred cycles;
To come through that destined roads all
And if not to take such a trajectory
That defies with life that’s yet rudimentary
You seem to have not dreamed of
And cared so deep the vast love
For things.
And now to all appearances,
the whispers of unending,
timeless, and beyond imagination
Thoughts have surge all through
To not to unbless, have me inside,
But to let me own my deathless song
Of the universe which I’m part of.

When we die not for things we long,

And when we merge into lives not,
Remember, we have radiant of life shunned
And we have wavered the things we have sought.
But when there are vast rays of lights unwound
After the time’s limbs raise high and far
We have a life, beautiful and sublime, not shunned
And we have gone far, far, and far.

The infant of a man dies not in

the stall of age and hours,
And the heart yet without feather flies,
And in victory the time showers
Blessings and untold benedictions and delight;
It divines the possibility the human can ignite
The world with a light, radiant and clear,
Even with age passing, to come up clear
With unspoken words of unforgettable youth,
Its euphoric wheezes, and gestures.

The outside hope

of a man yet flickers,
And dwindles not in the gathering of moth.
It charms; it delights, and it lures.

He conceals his passing,

Fleshy body and conflates into his being,
And he so merges
into the imperishable consciousness
His mortal frame of nothingness.

Somewhere in the open

I sought to understand what was ours
When things were left to heart burn
When dewdrops of love felt cause of showers.

Give thy turn of phrase

A pledge to evermore uncover this bond,
And give all propitious, heaven-sent and nothing less,
And nothing, not a bit of what love has to offer shun.
Give all that’s hopeful to this heart,
And all that is true to this soul,
And make no front and part
For this love has an entire whole.
Give what’s true all and play good,
And in doing so, find it ever and ever good,
And remember, even when there’s false ground,
The best part is it shall as earth orbit round.
And when the love shall move as such
Orbiting around, it shall kiss this sacred nature
And it shall a many, many times make a lot
And everlasting forever shall it favor.

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