What Went Wrong ?


Santi Ram Poudel
Ohio, America

How shall I not trust in God?
The great five elements and origin of the soul
I should have acquired all the cosmological preferences.

In the complex science of life and process,
My bodily sub-atoms and use of reactive energy
Did I lack the sufficient variables for the evidence?

What made me lesser citizen resurface?
In the astral universe, I often judge the degree
Often feel deeply about invading ethos of intangible values.

Something seemingly deviates the life curve
Why the use of eminent domain on competence heritage
Isn’t the power just in the perpetual milieu?

Nation precisely gains gross national happiness
Fundamentally people lose their nationhood
Isn’t it fishing in the murky water of no man’s land?

Vicious target or hidden agenda of uprooting
Benevolent Majesty sprinkled the chloride
Amidst the fatality or diversity adjustment was banned.

Didn’t I prefer to go insane than bloodshed
In spite of inheritance of epic era genes
Incinerate the fetus to pronounce the doctrine.

What went blunder to show the differences
Knowingly prejudice genocide on valued ethnicity
And such fundamentalist of trusted led us to ruin.

Our conviction as devotees of rulers be a demigod
Expectations to maintain the environment of trust
All blown by the hurricane of northern plateau men.

Needless to suspect or interrogate the southern allies
The emperor of the modern republic of the globe
The then intimacy with the lions of such glen.

Equivocal thou art and thy clear perceptions
Drawing synergy on greedy algorithm if not intentions
Gratitude and salutation for the inherited protectorate.

If suspect for internal affairs as mere advice
The unprecedented papers on hydro electrons
Due diligence of harnessing Himalayan water too precarious.

A kindness on ammunition matching equivalency
Vigilante to mark the stars through a para-military organization
Perfect practices prevalent in mutual cooperation.

More the investment higher the risk of interferences
The interest of ‘care and take’ on Lilliputians
Conditions clearly fulfilled with no border demarcation.


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