

Bibek Bhandari
Erie, PA, USA

Why should I cry and for who?
Is it for that person who never loved me?
Or for that person who used to love me?
Or for them who still love me?
Or should I cry for myself?

Every single beat of my heart
Asks me this question again and again and
I answer it like this…

Oh poor heart, don’t panic
Just ignore the selfish scene of this world
And the selfish people
Who have decorated this world with lies, dishonesty, hate and cruelty.

Oh innocent heart, be strong
Because in this world,
People pretend to care about you
But they actually play with your feelings.

Oh dear heart, silent your beat because
The world you are living in is untrustworthy.
One person listens to you
And promises you that he or she will keep it secret
But in matter of a second, the whole world knows about it.

Oh my beloved heart, believe in yourself
Because betray is the minor word in this world.
They promise you by holding your hand
And breaks that promise in matter of a second.

Oh heart, don’t be so panicky
Because, every single step you take
Is your path of challenges.

And have no fear to face it alone
Because, you were born alone and
Will die alone and always believe that
Challenge is the key to succeed.

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