Wings Clipped

Chris Bodor is a US poet, who was born in 1967 in Connecticut to an English mother and a Hungarian father. After working for ten years in New York City, he moved to Florida in 2003. In August of 2009, Chris started hosting monthly poetry readings on the last Sunday of every month in St. Augustine, Florida. During the past 25 years, Bodor’s poems have appeared in many independent, small, and micro-press publications, such as the Lummox Journal, FM Quarterly, and Old City Life.

Chris Bodor
Florida, USA

During the Summer of 1985
the beach began to beckon
but instead I got my wings clipped.

In one hand
I held a high school diploma
In my other hand I held a timecard

During my tenure at the factory
I never soared too close to the sun
I never dipped too close to the ocean waves
I flew in a straight line from the drill press,
to the deburring machine,
past the steel drum filled with metal shavings
resisting urges and cravings.

Days blurring together
turning gears and pushing levers
I would secretly plan a getaway trip
but I would always surrender
because my wings were clipped.

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