You Seek


Jalan Bhandari
Adelaide, Australia

Tears and smiles you have none,
Neither heartfelt thanks nor mourning blood
But, hope for honesty to some,
For which you dive into a river in flood.

Not for you are the tears,
Feelings, peace of mind and fears,
For you have in your mind,
The city you shall never find.

There is no peace on earth to see,
For you, for such as you.
The city you shall never see,
But wander your hope and you.

Only the breeze and the morn,
The way, the track and the pain,
The earth under stars newly born,
Then why seek the hidden city again?

You seek the city of honesty,
Where the honest beauty dwells
And you have not your dignity
But the sounds of burial bells.

Never ever the hidden city,
Where with the deity you meet,
But just the slummy city
With mourners along the street.

You travel the dirty towns,
Till the daylight becomes dim
And sunset followed by stars,
Away on the oceanic rim.

You travel all day long,
With the honest city in mind;
Singing the hidden city`s song,
That you shall never find.

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