
Partiman Siwa, born in Chirang Bhutan in 1972 and lived his early days at Daifam Bhutan, is one of the first to appear and pass SLC (School Leaving Certificate- a secondary level school education) examination in the early 90s in Bhutanese Refugee Education history. Since then, after receiving proper literary nourishment and education from the then ‘Nepali Bhaasaa Parishad-Bhutan’ (which was subsequently reformed in 2011 to Literature Council of Bhutan), has developed a strong lineage towards Bhutanese Nepali literature.

From those early days, he has committed himself in writing poetry and other literary works contributing to Bhutanese Nepali literary field. His first published book “dobharu” (Nepali: डोबहरू) in 2001 established him as a dynamic poet. After completing his higher secondary education from Biratnagar, he earned a BS in Biology (Zoology) from Bhadrapur, Nepal.

Presently, resettled in Ohio, America, he is still giving continuity in his literary works with a stronger presence. He believes in preserving the mother tongue “Nepali” and its literature and handing it to our coming generations and so on.

प्रतिमान सिवा

मुट्ठीभरि माटोको सुगन्ध,
हृदयभरी देशप्रेमको छहरा बोकी,
स्वतन्त्र आकाशको पतङ्गा खोज्दै,
विश्व-भुगोलभरि नचिनिएकी जयमाया,
कहाँको माटोमा मेरो मातृभूमि रमाउँछ भन्दै
बर्मादेखि लिखापानी हुँदै,
गोर्खादेखी सिब्सू-साम्ची र चिराङ्ग हुँदै,
भ्रह्मपुत्रको किनारदेखि फाक्-फोकसम्म हुँदै,
बेल्डाँगिदेखि कोलम्बससम्म आईपुगेकी जयमाया,
इन्द्र बहादुर राई, कृष्ण धराबासी र निशा लिलालाई सोध्छिन्,
“मलाई अझै कति हिँडाउछौ?”
“मलाई अझै कति दु:ख दिन्छौ?”

यात्राको क्रममा तिनले देखिन्,
धनेको हालत तेस्तै छ,
न्यासुर कान्छाको पनि उस्तै छ।
अन्तरमनमा कस्तो थियो कुन्नि?
बरु रिकुटेहरू रमाएको भेटिन्।
अलिकति अर्ती पैंचो मागौं भन्दा-भन्दै
त्यो एक मुट्ठी माटो कहाँ रखौं हुँदा-हुँदै,
अर्को बज्र आईपर्‍यो,
भाषा नै बिलाउला जस्तै भयो।
माटोको कथा, वेदनाका व्यथा
कसरी बिसाउँ मेरी नव-पुस्ताकी जयमायालाई ?
गन्तव्यको खोजीमा
हिँडाईएकी/हिँडेकी जयमाया
अब कोलम्बसदेखी कहाँ जानु पर्ने हो,
पुकारिन जयमायाले- “हे प्रभु! म किन नेपाली हुँ??”

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