वा ! हिन्दुस्तान

A father, husband, public speaker, and a freelancer, Mr. Mishra is one of the former Chief Editors at Bhutan News Service and the current Executive Director at Bhutan Media Society. 

Born in Bhutan and raised in the refugee camp in Nepal, Mishra’s entry into ‘exiled journalism’ began as early as 2002, and he has been volunteering since then. 

Mr. Mishra worked as a special correspondent for The Bhutan Reporter (TBR) Monthly for few years since 2004. Later, he became Editor of the same newspaper, and also served as Chief Editor of TBR for two years. He is one of the founder members of Bhutan News Service (BNS), where he started serving as Editor (2006-2009), and later Chief Editor (2009-2011).

Mr. Mishra also served as one of the main hosts of the radio program, Saranarthi Sarokar (translates to ‘Refugee Concern’ in English) in one of the local FM stations in Kathmandu, Nepal from 2007 through 2009. As a host of the program, he interviewed dozens of high-profile Nepalese and Bhutanese politicians, academicians, social and community leaders, including foreign diplomats then based in Kathmandu and Jhapa, Nepal.

Aside from his reporting work while in Kathmandu, Mr. Mishra also got involved in other social service areas, and provided assistance to needy refugees. Mr. Mishra led two donations campion through the lobby in Kathmandu among fellow Bhutanese refugees and supported fire victims in the refugee camp in the eastern part of the country. Mr. Mishra also directly assisted dozens of sick patients with various illnesses from the refugee camps in Jhapa to get their appropriate treatment in Kathmandu-based hospitals at a discounted rate and/or free of cost.

Mr. Mishra has appeared in various national, regional and international publications including the Wall Street Journal, Aljazeera America, Explore Parts Unknown, Global Post, among others with articles aimed at advocating the Bhutanese refugee issue. The New York Times, BBC, Guardian Weekly, among many others have featured Mishra’s work.  Mr. Mishra has also written articles extensively reflecting the state of ‘freedom of speech & expression in Bhutan.’ Mr. Mishra is also the author of a handbook, Becoming a Journalist in Exile.

Mr. Mishra is the recipient of two awards—one by Bhutan Press Union (2006), and the other by the Organization of Bhutanese Communities in America (2011) for his contributions in the related field. Founder President of the Bhutan Chapter of the Third World Media Network (2006-2012), Mishra has also represented Bhutan in various regional and national-level trainings and seminars on media freedom while during his stay in Nepal.

Mr. Mishra holds his first Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Purbanchal University in Nepal, and the second Bachelor’s degree in International Studies from the University of Charlotte in North Carolina.


टी पी मिश्र
नर्थ क्यारोलिना, अमेरिका

तिम्रो दादागिरीले उहिलै सीमा नाघेको
तर एकोहोरो हेरिरहयौँ
कोही बेला टोलाउँदै त
कोही बेला छलफल गर्दै
फेरि कोही बखत चुपचाप रहँदै
कतै आफैँ सुध्रिन्छौ कि ठान्दै
वा ! तिम्रो प्रजातन्त्र ।

सीमा नाघ्नुको एउटा हद हुन्छ नि !
हेर त आज तिम्रो हर्कत दार्जेलिङ्गमा ?
अहमताको माद
गोर्खाली रगतमा पौडिँदै
गोर्खाली मुखमा बुजो लगाउँदै
प्रजातान्त्रको ठुल्दाई
वा ! तिम्रो प्रजातन्त्र ।

दार्जेलिङ्गका सपूत मार्दै जाऊ
माग प्रति कानमा ठेडी खाँद्दै जाऊ
गोर्खाली रगतमा आहाल खेल्दै जाऊ
तिम्रो अहमता त्यही बोल्दै छ
तर बेला-बखत यसो हेक्का पनि राख
कुनै पनि बेला अन्यायको स्वर विश्वभर धन्किन सक्छ
तब तिम्रो रिक्त प्रजातन्त्र नांगिन सक्छ
लाज छोप्न उही गोर्खालीको स्मरण हुन सक्छ
वा ! तिम्रो प्रजातन्त्र ।

यस्ता-उस्ता खेलमा उसै पनि तिमी निपुण छौ
तिम्रो लामो अनुभव छ
भूटानका नेपालीलाई देश बिहिन बनाउन होस् कि
नेपालका नेपालीहरूलाई सिंगौरी खेलाउनेमा
काँधमा हलो नपरेको साँढे गोरुले झैँ
स-साना बर-बाछाहरुलाई मिच्दै हिँड्न
खुब रमाउँछौ अरूलाई सताउनमा
हेर त!!
तराईका नेपालीको छुट्टै राज्यको पक्षमा उभिएको तिमी
आज गोर्खाल्याण्डको खिलाफमा किन?
वा! तिम्रो प्रजातन्त्र !

एसियामा तिम्रो अहमताको तागत
धिमिलो पानीमा माछा मार्ने पुरानै बानी,
तिम्रा गल्ली गल्लीमा दिनहुँ नांगिने नारी-अस्मिता र
लाखौँ भोका जनताको आँसुले सिचाईँ भरेर
हुर्काएको उन्माद
आज गोर्खालीको माग दबाउन उत्रिएको छ
विश्वको ठुलो र पुरानो प्रजातन्त्रिक देश
एक छिनलाई तिमी नै हौ भन्दिउँला
वा ! तँ हिन्दुस्तान ।

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