Story writer Sharma passes away

Omnath Pokhrel used his pen name U Sharma.

A well known, Bhutanese short story writer, U Sharma, passed away on Nov. 1, according to the family source.

Sharma, who is officially known by the name of Omnath Pokhrel, was living in Phuntsholing, Southern Bhutan for the past two years.

The family source said that the postmortem report reveals that he suffered from stroke.

Sharma has contributed about a dozen short stories, which thematically paint typical South Asian culture while most of his stories are penned in Bhutanese milieu.

Owing to the security reasons in Bhutan, Sharma wished to remain anonymous and used penname U Sharma while he contributed in literature.

Sharma was born on May 10, 1967 in Lower Bockray, Tshirang Bhutan.

Read his stories here.

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