पानीका फोकाहरू

Born in a small hamlet of Kataharey in Nichula Bhutan, Buddha Mani Dhakal got his early education in Samrang Primary School. He attended Samchi (now Samtse) High School (batch of 1991) from 1987 to 1990. He left Bhutan in quest of higher education after the 1990 pro-democratic movement, as he could not return to Samchi for completing his ICSE exams. So, he pursued higher education in Nepal after being a refugee under DAFI Scholarship in the first batch.
Dhakal has intermediate in science from St. Xavier Campus, Tribhuvan University (1993-1995); Bachelor’s degree in Biology, majoring Botany from Tri-Chandra Campus, Tribhuvan University (1996-2000) and attended one year Master’s in Botany at Central Department of Botany. He also holds Master’s in Rural Development from Patan Campus though he had to leave for the US before completing the thesis. Dhakal taught science and environment, population and health to high school students in Nepal and has a number of training on the subject area.
Dhakal was also associated with Nepali Bhasa Parishad since the very beginning of its establishment, which later conducted Nepali language classes in camps. Some of his literary creations are published in “Kopila”, the publication of Parishad. He also worked as a column writer for a travel paper (NTTR) in Kathmandu for a year in order to meet his expenses.  He wrote to Kathmandu Post too for a while.
He became associated with exile media since the beginning.  He served as the chief editor of ‘The Bhutan Reporter’ monthly for a year in 2004. Currently, he is a contributing writer for FORSOOTH, a publication of Interfaith Path for Peace that advocates for social justice. He is an employee of Louisville Free Public Library since 2011and has been recently promoted in his job. In Louisville, he is active in community works, and in an international outreach program of the library.

बुद्धमणि ढकाल

पानीका फोकाहरू

यो मौसमको झरी
बलेँसीमा पानीका फोका
म देख्छु
फोकामा इन्द्रेणीको सातै रङ
एउटा अर्को बन्दै फुट्दै
थुप्रै अरू
बलेँसीमा बग्दै छन्
मेरो पहाडको/उद्गम ठाउँको
जीवन रङ्ग देख्छु
बलेँसीमा उठ्दै फुट्दै गरेका
क्षणभङ्गुर फोकाहरूमा ।

के अर्थ र झरीको मलाई
जति धानका गाभालाई
र मानेका पातलाई हुन्छ
जहाँ जीवन फल्छ
हाम्रो पहाडको डाँडा खेतमा
बेँसीको टारिखेतमा
फर्सी र इस्कुसको जरामा।

कर्मको फालीले जमिन जोत्ने
ती गाउँका पारखी
पानीका फोकामा
जीवनका रङ देखून
पहाडको ढुङ्गा–माटोमा
उन्नतिको बिउ रोपून

पहाड हाम्रो मूल हो
तब यो झरीको
पानीको फोकाको
आत्मिक अर्थ लाग्नेछ –
पश्चिममा हराएका हामीलाई ।

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