Parenting Styles
Bashu Pokhrel Ohio, America Parenting style stages an animated role in the social, emotional, responsive, and cognitive development of children. Parents are those who raise and care for their progeny. […]
Bashu Pokhrel Ohio, America Parenting style stages an animated role in the social, emotional, responsive, and cognitive development of children. Parents are those who raise and care for their progeny. […]
Bashu Pokhrel Ohio, America A hut is a stunning architectural layout where an individual can enjoy the thrill of spending dawn and dusk with bugs and rodents, all while arrogantly […]
वासु पोख्रेल ओहायो, अमेरिका मेला मानिसको जमघट मात्र होइन। यहाँ त परम्पराको भकारीभित्र संस्कृतिका गतिविधिहरू लुकामारी गरिरहेका हुन्छन्। मेला प्रांगढ़को प्रवेशद्वारमा राखिएको सप्तरङ्गी मालामा एकताको सन्देश उनिएको हुन्छ। मेला-महोत्सव पुर्ख्यौली […]
Bashu Pokhrel Ohio, America Camping, a longstanding tradition, transfers a typical and extreme fascination in the modern world. On its basis, camping characterizes a calculated departure from the relaxations of […]
वासु पोख्रेल ओहायो अमेरिका सेताम्मे हिउँको टोपी लगाएर उत्तर पट्टि अटल रहेको हिमालयको काखमा रही सात प्रदेश र सतहत्तर जिल्लामा प्रशासन विकेन्द्रीकरण गरिएको सुन्दर र शान्त नेपालको पूर्वीय भागमा रहेका […]
J.N. Dahal America I hope you know many things about America — like its economic, social, political and cultural realities. But I am sure there is one thing you have […]
Bhupas Gautam Denmark In moonlit nights of restless thought, Nepal’s camp in memory is caught. Stranger still, in Western life. In developed lands, where comforts ramp, Why yearn for the […]
Bhupas Gautam Denmark The digital world has a profound influence on the identity of 21st-century individuals. The internet functions like a prism, allowing an online user’s identity to be fragmented […]
जे एन दाहाल अमेरिका म आशा गर्छु- तपाईंलाई अमेरिकाको बारे धेरै कुरा थाह छ । जस्तो कि यो देशको आर्थिक, सामाजिक, राजनीतिक र सांस्कृतिक कुरा आदि । तर म विश्वस्त […]
Kumari Pokhrel Regmi Syracuse, USA The fear and uncertainty of the Coronavirus pandemic are all around us. As a front-line healthcare worker, my fear, stress, and anxiety have been heightened. […]
Govinda Rizal Language is the expression and exchange of thoughts. That definition fits the language of communication invented and used by human beings. However, the oldest language disentangles more functions. […]
Dilliram Bista Australia Death and rebirth are no more than the process of Energy Renewal. Rebirth is taking place every second of every day in our day-to-day life, but we […]
नैनसिंह सारू मगर न्यू योर्क, अमेरिका मानव विकाशसँगै, पृथ्वीको विकाशसँगै, देश र भूभागका विस्तारसँगै, चेतनाको अभिवृद्धि भएसँगै अरू एक अनेक प्रकारका तीनतिरका सिद्धान्तहरू हामी भेट्ने सुन्ने गर्छौँ । कसैले सपनामा, […]
Hemanta Acharya Sydney, Australia I was happy. My friends were my detectives, they were my source of energy and they were my protectors. I had a big family in my […]
रमेश सायन नारायणी आसपासमा छु । साँझको एउटा रातो घाम धनीराम थारुको माछा मार्ने जालको अगाडिपछाडि पौडिरहेको छ । लाग्छ, यो साँझे घाम धनीराम थारुसँग बिदा माग्न उसको निधार भएर […]
शिवलाल दाहाल खुदुनाबारी मान्छे मान्छेका रुपमा परिभाषित हुन चाहिने जस्तो खुट्टा, हात, मुख, अनुहार, बोली, वस्त्र सबै भएर पनि मान्छे मान्छे हुन सक्तैन रहेछ । मान्छे हुन के चाहिन्छ त […]
डा. गोविन्दराज भट्टराई काठमाडौँ (नेपालको पहाडी क्षेत्रको जनजीवनमा केन्द्रित रहेर लेखिएको यो लेख भूटानी परिवेशमासमेत उत्तिकै सान्दर्भिक हुने भएका यहाँ पुनर्प्रकाशित गरिएको छ ।- सम्पादक) आज यो जीवनभरिका दसैंहरू सम्झिल्याउँदा […]
Bishnu Adhikari New York, USA Living being has to survive the life by rustling and bustling, sometimes dreaming the brightening race of the rising future, as the wave of life […]
Yeshey Pelzom USA “No, not yet…because the employment is drying here,” I shout over the phone to my mother-in-law in Nepal, particularly emphasizing on the word drying. It is 2008 […]
What we think today is put into planning tomorrow and executed in the future. What is thought? It is the process which makes us to wander- where and how. It […]
Background My country, Bhutan, is a tiny dot on the world map and is landlocked in the Himalayas. Traditions and culture of Bhutan bear little similarity to her neighbors, India […]
Puranaghare A person who is very important to someone in his/her life is not a simple one for him/her. Different persons regard different individuals as the significant person in their […]
The World Cup has been the talk of the town for a few weeks now. I watch the matches on a twenty two inches’ colour TV sitting or lying or […]
Yeshey Pelzom / UK The children run after you like they did after the Pied Piper of Hamelin. Of course, you are from Phoenix and there is no Koppelberg Hill […]
My name is Nirmala Regmi and I was born on January 31st 1990 in Bhutan, a tiny kingdom that shared common border with India and China. I remember very little […]