लोनको मान्छे
जे.एन. दाहाल अमेरिका ‘फलानीको पनि जन्मेछ । र फलानीको पनि !’ नाल नकाढी सर्वाङ्ग नाङ्गै तस्बिर छ बच्चाको सामाजिक सञ्जालमा । तस्बिरकै छेउमा देखाउँछ, एक घण्टाअघि फोटो राखेका रहेछन् तिनका […]
जे.एन. दाहाल अमेरिका ‘फलानीको पनि जन्मेछ । र फलानीको पनि !’ नाल नकाढी सर्वाङ्ग नाङ्गै तस्बिर छ बच्चाको सामाजिक सञ्जालमा । तस्बिरकै छेउमा देखाउँछ, एक घण्टाअघि फोटो राखेका रहेछन् तिनका […]
Bashu Pokhrel Ohio, America Parenting style stages an animated role in the social, emotional, responsive, and cognitive development of children. Parents are those who raise and care for their progeny. […]
Bashu Pokhrel Ohio, America A hut is a stunning architectural layout where an individual can enjoy the thrill of spending dawn and dusk with bugs and rodents, all while arrogantly […]
वासु पोख्रेल ओहायो, अमेरिका मेला मानिसको जमघट मात्र होइन। यहाँ त परम्पराको भकारीभित्र संस्कृतिका गतिविधिहरू लुकामारी गरिरहेका हुन्छन्। मेला प्रांगढ़को प्रवेशद्वारमा राखिएको सप्तरङ्गी मालामा एकताको सन्देश उनिएको हुन्छ। मेला-महोत्सव पुर्ख्यौली […]
Bashu Pokhrel Ohio, America Camping, a longstanding tradition, transfers a typical and extreme fascination in the modern world. On its basis, camping characterizes a calculated departure from the relaxations of […]
वासु पोख्रेल ओहायो अमेरिका सेताम्मे हिउँको टोपी लगाएर उत्तर पट्टि अटल रहेको हिमालयको काखमा रही सात प्रदेश र सतहत्तर जिल्लामा प्रशासन विकेन्द्रीकरण गरिएको सुन्दर र शान्त नेपालको पूर्वीय भागमा रहेका […]
J.N. Dahal America I hope you know many things about America — like its economic, social, political and cultural realities. But I am sure there is one thing you have […]
Bhupas Gautam Denmark In moonlit nights of restless thought, Nepal’s camp in memory is caught. Stranger still, in Western life. In developed lands, where comforts ramp, Why yearn for the […]
Bhupas Gautam Denmark The digital world has a profound influence on the identity of 21st-century individuals. The internet functions like a prism, allowing an online user’s identity to be fragmented […]
जे एन दाहाल अमेरिका म आशा गर्छु- तपाईंलाई अमेरिकाको बारे धेरै कुरा थाह छ । जस्तो कि यो देशको आर्थिक, सामाजिक, राजनीतिक र सांस्कृतिक कुरा आदि । तर म विश्वस्त […]
Kumari Pokhrel Regmi Syracuse, USA The fear and uncertainty of the Coronavirus pandemic are all around us. As a front-line healthcare worker, my fear, stress, and anxiety have been heightened. […]
Govinda Rizal Language is the expression and exchange of thoughts. That definition fits the language of communication invented and used by human beings. However, the oldest language disentangles more functions. […]
Dilliram Bista Australia Death and rebirth are no more than the process of Energy Renewal. Rebirth is taking place every second of every day in our day-to-day life, but we […]
नैनसिंह सारू मगर न्यू योर्क, अमेरिका मानव विकाशसँगै, पृथ्वीको विकाशसँगै, देश र भूभागका विस्तारसँगै, चेतनाको अभिवृद्धि भएसँगै अरू एक अनेक प्रकारका तीनतिरका सिद्धान्तहरू हामी भेट्ने सुन्ने गर्छौँ । कसैले सपनामा, […]
Hemanta Acharya Sydney, Australia I was happy. My friends were my detectives, they were my source of energy and they were my protectors. I had a big family in my […]
रमेश सायन नारायणी आसपासमा छु । साँझको एउटा रातो घाम धनीराम थारुको माछा मार्ने जालको अगाडिपछाडि पौडिरहेको छ । लाग्छ, यो साँझे घाम धनीराम थारुसँग बिदा माग्न उसको निधार भएर […]
शिवलाल दाहाल खुदुनाबारी मान्छे मान्छेका रुपमा परिभाषित हुन चाहिने जस्तो खुट्टा, हात, मुख, अनुहार, बोली, वस्त्र सबै भएर पनि मान्छे मान्छे हुन सक्तैन रहेछ । मान्छे हुन के चाहिन्छ त […]
डा. गोविन्दराज भट्टराई काठमाडौँ (नेपालको पहाडी क्षेत्रको जनजीवनमा केन्द्रित रहेर लेखिएको यो लेख भूटानी परिवेशमासमेत उत्तिकै सान्दर्भिक हुने भएका यहाँ पुनर्प्रकाशित गरिएको छ ।- सम्पादक) आज यो जीवनभरिका दसैंहरू सम्झिल्याउँदा […]
Bishnu Adhikari New York, USA Living being has to survive the life by rustling and bustling, sometimes dreaming the brightening race of the rising future, as the wave of life […]
Yeshey Pelzom USA “No, not yet…because the employment is drying here,” I shout over the phone to my mother-in-law in Nepal, particularly emphasizing on the word drying. It is 2008 […]
What we think today is put into planning tomorrow and executed in the future. What is thought? It is the process which makes us to wander- where and how. It […]
Background My country, Bhutan, is a tiny dot on the world map and is landlocked in the Himalayas. Traditions and culture of Bhutan bear little similarity to her neighbors, India […]
Puranaghare A person who is very important to someone in his/her life is not a simple one for him/her. Different persons regard different individuals as the significant person in their […]
The World Cup has been the talk of the town for a few weeks now. I watch the matches on a twenty two inches’ colour TV sitting or lying or […]
Yeshey Pelzom / UK The children run after you like they did after the Pied Piper of Hamelin. Of course, you are from Phoenix and there is no Koppelberg Hill […]
My name is Nirmala Regmi and I was born on January 31st 1990 in Bhutan, a tiny kingdom that shared common border with India and China. I remember very little […]